Friday, December 9, 2011


See you guys monday sorry i wasn't at class.. let me know if I need to do ANYTHING besides my pages!!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Last Class

Today is the last class of the semester! We just need to finish our website by Monday! We can do this :)

Class 12/5

Today for class we need to finish up our welcome page and posts all the standards to our website. We should be all set to go after that. All of us have our pages that we need to do and work on. Don't forget our website presentation is on Monday 12/12 at 11am.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Final Project

I will be doing the recycling statsics in the surrounding cities and re purposing trash! Let me know if I need to do anything else :)

final concept map

We're almost done!

Now that Thanksgiving is over the semester is coming to a close.  Lets get this website done!


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Back from break

Looking forward from coming back from break and getting started on our website. Don't have long to do it so we really need to get started on it and getting it going. See you all on Monday 11/28.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


For our website we will all be contributing to the home page, standards, and the site map. I will solely be responsible for the tabs of the 3 r's of recycling and parent involvement. Let's get working on it because we don't have much time let and we want it to be the best it can.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Team Website

Here is the gmail address and the password that we will use collaboratively for our team website, and 0319klr1.

movie maker

My movie will be about recycling in the lunchroom.

Digital Story

I will be doing my digital story on the world with no recycling!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Digital Story

What is due on Friday 11/4 is our lesson plan 2. For the digital story, I will be using a book that has a theme of recycling. I will read the book while playing the movie. The book is on "Don't throw that away", recycling everything and anything you can to make the earth greener.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I guess what is due friday! Sorry I missed lab if you guys needed me there!

Monday, October 31, 2011


Thanks for finishing up the podcast guys!!!

Digitial story

I will be doing my digital story on recycling statistics

Second Lesson Plan

For the second lesson plan I will have to students go home and collect data on what they recycle.  So over the course of one day the students will record how many cardboard items can be recycled, how many plastic items, and how many paper items can be recycled.  The students will come back and compile all of their data together.

Lesson Plan 2

For the second lesson plan, I plan on collecting data from other classrooms that have recycled certain things, i.e. cardboard, plastic, glass, paper, etc and counting how many of each have been collected from the classrooms and then totaling them all up.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Don't forget to meet me @ 5pm at our EDT classroom to finish up our podcast. See you then.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Follow Up To Next Class 10/24

For the next class meeting we will need to work on refining our podcast, editing out parts and putting music to it. Also, we need to work on revising our concept map.

pod cast take 2

Today we wrote our script for our pod cast and we are about to record it. 
Good luck everyone!


We did the same thing for lesson plan so we need to re do this!!

I blogged and told you I was doing re purposing trash so I do not know what you did but the teacher said we did the same thing

What do you want to do about this?

Monday, October 10, 2011


For our podcast, the part that I will be talking about is at the beginning about what PBL is.


For my part of our podcast I will be talking about what we have already accomplished in our recycling unit.


I will be talking about how we will take the information and what it will look like in the future.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lesson Plan

I will be doing re purposing trash for my lesson plan :)

Lesson Plan

The topic that I will be using for my lesson plan is educating students. I am thinking about having students research basic facts about recycling and then present their findings through a PowerPoint, poster board presentation, and or creating a artifact that they have created from their refurbishing trash they have used to go along with their presentation.

Recycling Lesson Plan

For my lesson plan I will be guiding my classroom to create recycling bins for our classroom.  While creating them we will discuss what type of objects go in each of the bins. 

web evaluation

The other 2 websites I will be using for the website evaluations will be:


Three Websites I think I am using:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Hi, here are the websites that I have used for my evaluations on recycling.

Kelly Reimink

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog 1

I am looking forward to learning more about recycling.  It is going to be very important for our future.


Hello! Welcome to recycling, I look forward to a great project/semester.

Recycling 101- Blog 1

Recycling is taking a product at the end of its useful life and using all or part to make something new!